Oct 13, 2010

Well, I'm back at work, which totally and completely sucks. Now I truly understand the phrase "not enough hours in the day." Not only do I not get to spend nearly enough time with my son, but there's suddenly not enough time after work for anything else- eating, cleaning, unwinding, etc. It's all go-go-go and a total reorganization of priorities. I keep going over the numbers in my head, though, and I have to work. Full time. There's no two ways about it. Sucks.

The problem with me is that I'm not good with change. At all. My friend GG put it best last week: "It's been a rough five years with you. First you got married and had to plan a wedding. Then you bought a house and that was a whole thing. Then you tried to get pregnant and it took a little too long. Now you've got a great baby, and you're depressed about working again." All these good things have happened (except the going back to work part), and it's been nothing but headaches with me. So to GG and everybody else on my planet: Yeah. Sorry about all the complaining regarding my relatively good fortune.

That being said, if any of you know of any work from home opportunites, or would like to simply pay my mortgage for a couple of years (please note that I will be unable to pay you back), please call or email me.

Andy is doing great, though. He's smiling and giggling and babbling. He's getting stronger and bigger and developing his own wonderful little personality. In a word, he's awesome.

Chris has been home with him these past two weeks. Chris has all of October off, and then my little baby doodle is starting day care in November, which I know will be a mega crisis. Not for Andy- I'm sure he'll be fine. But for me. Chris, however, has been father of the frigging year. Even manages to make dinner every night and do the shopping during the day. I think either of us would do well as a stay-at-home parent. Me maybe a little moreso than Chris just because I actually vacuum and disinfect various surfaces. But, Chris, he's been washing the dishes. Keeping things relatively neat. And the dinners. Last night: flank steak rolled around a lobster stuffing, spinach salad, and stuffed mushrooms. The lobster was imitation, so don't wet your pants too much, but man. Pretty damn good, even if I had to put the baby down in order to eat it all.

I don't like putting the baby down when I'm home in the evenings. We only have 2-3 hours together at night. If you think I'm setting that baby down other than for a quick bathroom break, man do you have another thing coming.

Motherhood so far: Amazing. Being a working mother: I'll adjust. I hope.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back (to blogging that is..not work :)).

I think it is unfortunate that woman have to go back to work when they really don't want to. Ultimately, it is our own doing because we have built a life that requires a certain amount of income. But, for a woman to be in conflict about going back to work really sucks. I don't know you personally but I would bet you would not want to stay home full time....As a Mom of 3 (24, 26, and 28) my experience taught me that a balance of children and work is the best for all involved. That includes the kids and the hubby. I worked very part time when my kids were very little and then went back full time when they were of school age. Even then, I found myself to be very conflicted. I was always tired, missed some of their games/concerts. Looking back at it now I realize it wasn't worth it. I should have just gone back part time and down-sized the life.

Good luck. Your Andy sounds adorable!

Anonymous in Michigan

Dan Dougherty said...

Too late, I wet my pants too much.
