Sep 19, 2010

So. It's 9:00, which is my bed time these days, but I thought I'd say a few words on the old "Thumb" before hitting the hay. Funny- it's been almost a year since I've had a post 9:00 bed time. First pregnancy sucked all of the energy out of me, now the baby himself. Will I ever stay up late again? Stay tuned to find out this and other such queries, including why baby bowel movements always come in threes.

I wonder if I've become boring to everyone else. I know people with babies generally bored the crap out of me in the past, so it's probably safe to assume that now I'm the borer instead of the boree. I used to think, "Man, if I have to hear one more word about your stupid baby- your stupid baby that can't even talk as to say clever things- then I am so out of here." Because unless you have a baby, or want a baby, or really have some deep connection to the baby being discussed, hearing about someone else's baby is pretty torturous. I KNOW this. And yet I can't stop talking about my baby. Like, ever. Not even long enough to buy groceries sometimes. He's just so darn cute! And he smells so good, even for someone who craps his own pants, pees onto his own face, and has non-existent dental hygiene. How is that even possible?

In non-baby news, my sister's now a married woman. Her wedding was perfect, down to every last detail. You have to expect something to go wrong at a wedding, but this was one of those rare cases when everything came very neatly and wonderfully together. I guess that's what fifteen months of planning and multiple irritable bowel syndrome flare-ups will do to a wedding- perfectify it.

To be continued. Chris is standing over my shoulder telling me to get off his goddamn computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it time to take you off my favorites???

Anonymous in Michigan