Aug 25, 2010

Andy has too much dignity to poop in a wet diaper, or to finish eating while wearing a poopy diaper.

He does not, however, have too much dignity to poop while in the tub.

Andy hates wearing socks. While I am feeding him, he will rub his feet against my legs in an effort to get his socks off. He is also very good at distracting us with either cuteness or fussiness while he pushes his socks off. We find socks all over the house- on the couch, the changing table, on the floor. There's probably no reason to have the kid wearing socks, but at this point, it's a matter of principle.

Andy is in the best mood after his bottle. That's when he smiles and sticks out his tongue and kicks his legs and waves his arms and babbles. So far, I think he's said the words "yeah" and "hi."

Andy is losing his hair. He still has a full head of it, but there are full nests of hair in both his downstairs bassinet and his crib. This may be a statement more about how diligent I am about cleaning up his sleeping areas as opposed to his hair loss, but still.

Andy does not look good in black. He looks pale and sickly and, with his dark hair and sideburns, kind of like a baby vampire. Which sounds cool, but somehow doesn't work.

Andy has very vivid dreams. While sleeping, he alternately cries and smiles. What is this kid dreaming about, I wonder? A poopy diaper while eating, perhaps, for the cries, and me most likely for the smiles. At least that's what I tell myself.

When Andy's mad, he punches and scratches. Hard. In the face. It's not a matter of if he's going to knock out my tooth, but when.

To get Andy to sleep, you must swaddle the crap out of him.

Andy does not want Mommy to go back to work in October. He told me so, and I told Chris, but alas it does not look like any of us are going to get our way. What a cruel punishment, to separate me and my baby for forty hours a week, every week. Screw women's lib- what happened to the days when women didn't have to work or vote and just got to cuddle with their babies? I'd give it all up, I would! Or at least most of it.


Dan Dougherty said...

Yeah, who needs women voting anyway? And I am sick of holding doors, ladies! Sick, I tell you! And since I'm sick, make me some soup! You know the way I like it! Shallow and watered down, just like I like my women!

Dan Dougherty said...

I need more Jackie blogging!