Jul 10, 2010

One day PAST my due date, and here I am without a baby. At this point, I have all the signs that labor is approaching- dilated to a whopping three centimeters, have lost my (way TMI for most of you) "plug," and yesterday dealt with some very rhythmic cramping which doctor assured me meant absolutely nothing. I think I'm at the point where I'm just plain pissed. I have to tell you, I was CERTAIN this baby would come early. Maybe because I thought my skinny frame couldn't handle a forty week fetus (surprisingly, it can) or because I'm always *early* to all of my appointments, almost to a fault. I'm usually one of the first to arrive to a party, and then I'm forced to drive slowly around the block six times before parking in order to kill some time so I don't look socially desperate. Of course, being pregnant has made me late for most things, namely work- these past couple months, I've consistently been ten minutes late every day. The simple solution would have been to set my alarm clock ten minutes early. But I'm not that easily fooled.

ARGGHHHHH! I hope I go into full blown labor in the next five minutes. Well, I still have to shower, so maybe five minutes after I finish toweling off. Hear that, baby? It's GO TIME. I'm begging you, let's GO.


Dan Dougherty said...

Don't worry, I'll ask Meg what this whole "plug" thing is.

Suspense! When will you stop killing me?!

Anonymous said...

I went into labor approximately 12 hours after I lost my "plug". I remember feeling the same way as you....until....I started labor. Then I decided I might like to wait a bit! You are oh so very close! Good luck Jackie, Chris and Baby! Just think - you are going to be able to see the little guy you have been loving and nurturing all these months! I am actually excited for you and I don't even know you!!!!

Anonymous in Michigan..

dre eraz morow said...

What a great last post right before you had little Andrew. He heard you!

atimot said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family - you'll be a great mom.

(Too bad the webcam in the delivery room was wonky...)