Jun 4, 2010

Five weeks left. This last week, aside from the daily decreasing level of comfort that I've grown to expect, I've felt strangely at ease about the whole impending baby thing. Maybe it's because we've started to make some progress in getting things ready. Crib assembled, check. Acquisition and semi-organization of major must-have-items, check. Creation and awareness of list of things that still need to be done, check. Training my replacement at work for when I'm on leave, check.

This is an odd time for me and Chris- our last month or so of it being just us, and yet we're mostly wasting it on baby-related tasks. It would be nice to go out and paint the town red one last time, or get drunk together at home, or do any other number of adult-ish things, but my current situation precludes imbibing in anything fun. And the baby- even though he's not here yet, he still takes up a major part of our time together. Preparing for him, talking about him, planning for him, arguing about naming him. Which is probably how it should be, but it would definitely be nice to have one last huge hurrah. And since I can't drink- or manage to stay awake past 8:00- or walk for longer than five minutes without getting short of breath- well, here we are.

I did have a nice "girl's day" this past Sunday with Heather and some of her friends for her thirtieth birthday. We had pedicures, went out for dinner, and then saw "Sex and the City 2." Even though I considered cancelling on her because of how tired and out of it I feel all the time, I rallied, went, and am so glad I did. We had a great time, and I realized that it's one of the last days that I'll have for a while where I can just go out, be out, and concentrate on just myself and my friends. I'm running out of time for that. Things are about to get a lot trickier with the baby. Not that Chris won't be awesome about watching the baby on days/nights when I need to get away- I know he will- but this last time pre-baby was different. And I appreciated it.

Anyway, Baby Boy is on his way, and with each passing day, he's that much closer. I just wish I knew WHEN he was going to show up. I'd like to ask my doctor about what I need to do to just schedule an induction. I'm not up for the whole waiting to go into labor naturally thing. I'm a planner. I like to know specifics in advance. So if they could just help me out in that arena, that would be great.

Here's a picture I took a couple days ago. My, how I have grown.


Anonymous said...

you look beautiful

Dan Dougherty said...

We are still going to have fun after this adorable little baby Berger enters the fold. And by we, I mean Meg and I, because your life will pretty much be over!

No, I kid. By we, I meant Meg and I, and Chris! Because he doesn't have to breast feed!

No, I still kid. You can have fun too. I'll allow it.


Anonymous said...

You look beautiful and seem to have calmed your fears. Enjoy your new role in life....it goes by very very quickly.

All the best,

Anonymous in Michigan