Jun 22, 2010

About 2 1/2 weeks until my due date. I'm definitely starting to feel some anxiety over the impending labor. I wish I could have just hatched an egg in my closet nine months ago. That would have been a much more civilized way of dealing with this whole thing.

My doctor's visit last week revealed no actual progress, though- the baby hadn't dropped, and I wasn't at all dilated. Now, who knows what's happened since; I certainly can't tell what's going on. I'm feeling all sorts of aches and pains, but I don't know if those aches and pains are related to dropping/dilating/or what. The dilating thing is weird. You can be dilated for weeks before you actually go into labor. You can be going about your daily business- working, grocery shopping, etc- while all the time just dilating away. You can be eating dinner while dilating under the table. Now that's disturbing. Don't you think?

Anyway, we're getting there.


Anonymous said...

Good luck.....

Anonymous in Michigan

atimot said...

I was sitting at school yesterday minding my own business and two ladies at the next table began talking - I quickly got up and left when one of them stated (quite loudly) how much and how often she dilated for each of her kids.

Hey, I started another blog that I will probably abandon in a few (months...days) and I name-checked your blog right off the bat.
Is that okay? I can rescind it, if not.

Greg (the dopey, wanna-be blogger from the Beep days)