May 25, 2010

A little over six weeks to go until the due date- and a little over three weeks until I'm considered term and could technically have the baby at any time. Holy crap. I have to say, I have been EXTREMELY uncomfortable as of late, especially this last week and a half. I have baby parts jammed in every available space between my crotch and up into my ribs, and the weight of my belly is like having a heavy bowling ball strapped to my mid-section. I can't sleep at night because I can't find a good position to lay in, and walking has become more of a careful waddle. Not to mention, I'm outgrowing some of my maternity clothes. Isn't that the most pitiful thing you've ever heard? And, since I refuse to buy more, my day to day choices have dwindled to a few, unfortunately more "winter friendly," outfits that I keep on constant rotatation.

The baby's movements are much more brash nowadays; he pokes his limbs against my belly and squirms around so that my entire stomach bounces around every which way. It's truly the craziest thing I've ever felt and seen. Despite my extreme discomfort, though, I do think that part of me is going to miss this a little. Right now, it's just me and the baby; he comes everywhere with me and his movements are mine and mine alone. When he's out in the world and is no longer an extension of me, I think I may go through a slight case of separation anxiety. Although, it will be impossible to distinguish between the part that is separation anxiety and the part that is just plain old CRAZY INSANE OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE AND HOW OFTEN DO I FEED THIS THING anxiety. I'll let you know if I can tell the difference.

Separation anxiety aside, I can't wait to see this kid. Just trying to imagine what it's going to be like when the doctor hands him to me- I have to admit, I get a little choked up just trying to envision it. And then the baby kicks me in some vital organ, and being choked up quickly turns into grimacing in pain and swearing.

We still don't officially have a name for the baby- I really want Andrew, but I don't think Chris is a hundred percent on board. I did a Google search for "Andrew Berger" just to see what would come up, and it was mostly professors and attorneys. Sold! This kid could be our ticket into a Palm Springs retirement down the road. I was pleased that not a single serial killer popped up in my search, and when I saw this particular Andrew Berger, I thought- this could totally be our son, after he invents time travel and comes back in time to be a professor in Rochester. And when I showed this link to Chris, he said the same thing, unprompted. So- maybe our son invents time travel down the road. How awesome would that be? Super awesome, that's how awesome.

1 comment:

Dan Dougherty said...

That guy does look like he could be the spawn of you two. And time travel has been a part of your life since...well, I don't know when, it's been so long. If only there was some sort of machine that could take me back to that first moment...but what to call said machine?