Dec 28, 2010

Andy's first Christmas was a success! He thoroughly enjoyed tasting every last piece of wrapping paper and ribbon (note to self: check to make sure the ink on wrapping paper isn't lead-based), and little dude made out pretty good on toys and clothes. Looking around the house at the amount of large toys that he has, I'm starting to wonder what the heck I'm going to do with them once he outgrows them. I don't want to give them away quite yet, because hopefully there will be a sibling in the future who will enjoy them, but we have virtually no storage in our home. So, I may have to apply some creativity to reuse these items in the interim. A couple ideas:

  • Changing table, while not exactly a toy, will make a nice dry bar after thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

  • Baby swing might make an entertaining shampoo caddy for the bathroom.

  • Stand and play sounds and light table could be repurposed for an adult drinking game, somehow.

  • Exersaucer can clearly double as a turkey defroster of sorts.

  • Teddy bears could be put into decorative pillow cases as irregular-shaped pillow stuffing.

  • Tummy time mat? Super bright and fun yoga/ pilates mat.

Guess I'll need to take up yoga and turkey defrosting at some point in order for these ideas to work. Although somehow the zen of yoga and the sloth of devouring a full-sized turkey seem like an odd combination.

Christmas Day turned out nicely, although my mother didn't come because she had that awful stomach flu everyone is getting. She almost got hit by a car that day, too, but I didn't learn that until yesterday when she so politically correctly announced that an A-rab almost ran her down at Walgreens. Those damn terrorists! Anyway, we had plenty of food, dinner went off without a hitch, everyone got plenty of cuddle time with Andy, and an overall pleasant time was had by all. Starting at noon was a brilliant ploy on my part- guests were gone by six, house was clean by seven, and I was asleep by about ten after a little Super Mario time. Sidenote: Yesterday, I perfected the art of playing Wii while holding a sleeping baby. Man, this baby stuff is easy!

And I'm good at it. I keep my baby safe, healthy, and happy. As evidenced by this Christmas gem. The first picture of my baby that I've posted on this blog, and possibly the last since I fear predators coming in the night and stealing him:

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