Nov 11, 2010

Dear Andy,

Tomorrow, you are four months old! Four months old still sounds pretty young, but to me, you are getting OLD. I know that watching you grow these past four months is nothing compared to how much you will continue to grow, but I am still blown away by how my little itty bitty baby newborn has turned into such a little tough guy already. It's going too fast, and it's only been a third of a year.

I guess I'm not too worried about over-inflating your ego at this point, so let me just say: you are AMAZING. You are ahead of the curve on almost every measurable scale, and the doctor has used the word "perfect" to describe you at your routine visits. You are strong and alert and a good babbler and an adorable smiler and giggler. You are constantly observing, can roll over from your tummy to your back, and have perfected the art of scooting yourself backwards when you're laying down. You play with your little toys, support your weight on your legs when we hold you up, and have a strong grasp. It's getting to the point where I might trust you to hold onto my car keys while we're out and about. Although you might slobber all over my various Preferred Cards, so maybe that's not the best idea.

You started day care last week, and while that's been kind of hard, I think you're doing okay. I'm sorry that we have to deposit you there Monday through Friday, but there's just no other option right now. Hopefully day care will be a positive thing for you and will help further your development even more. Yesterday, the day care teacher said that you sang the "five little pumpkins" song. Clearly, that was a lie since you can't form words, but I guess they do cute little activities with you while you're there, so that's kind of nice. I guess. You already got your first day care cold, though, which definitely sucks. It sucks even more that you passed it on to me almost immediately, but so it goes.

You've given me big smiles every evening when I come to pick you up, so my fears that you will forget your doting mama have been somewhat put to rest. How could you forget me, though, when I spend all of our time together basically just sticking my face in your face? I've been blowing raspberries on your tummy and "eating" your toes and buzzing in your ears, and this makes you smile wide, squeal in delight, and laugh. The sound of your laugh is such wonderful music. Your personality is slowly revealing itself, and I am pleased to announce that you are just sweet and happy as can be. How the heck that happened is one of life's great mysteries since you were essentially bombarded with anxiety and panic rays throughout your entire incubation period. But your daddy's laid-back outlook on life must have prevailed in your genes, so that's good news for all of us.

Aside from being sweet and happy, as evidenced by the way you nuzzle against me, hug my neck, smile, laugh, and hold my hand when I give you your bottle, you are also curious and constantly soaking in the world around you. The other night, we were in your room, and I carried you over to the blinds. I separated the blinds with my fingers so that I could peek out onto the street, and you instantly snapped to attention, widened your eyes, and ducked your head so that you could look out, too. I could almost imagine you thinking, "Whoa, there's a WINDOW behind those things? Lemme see, lemme see!" You love the paintings that we have in the dining room and family room, and you stare at them with your super big eyes. You also love television, and that's totally cool since I love television as well.

And I love you. Oh so freaking much. You have made me so happy, and you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm already looking forward to giving you a brother or sister, but I think we'll have to wait a few years on that one. I never thought I'd be big into this family thing, but here I am with an incredible baby boy and already day dreaming about a second. I have to say, I'm pretty good at being a mama, at least so far. I am much more relaxed than I thought I would be, and I'm pretty on my game with you. Who'd have thunk it!?

You have a lot of people in your life that love you. None more than your mama (and your daddy) so don't you forget that, but you've got grandparents who think you hung the moon, your aunts and uncles who are all super proud of you, and tons of other friends who, when they visit, just can't get enough of you. I have a feeling that you're never going to want for anything. I do plan on raising you pretty modestly, though. I don't want you to be spoiled, so don't expect to always get what you want in the way of toys, etc. Just a fair warning. I couldn't bear it if you turned into a brat. I have a vision of who you should be as a toddler and a child, and it does not involve you having a family room full of toys and never learning to understand please and thank you.

Alright, kiddo. Happy four months tomorrow. See you in a few hours when I race to get you at day care. Hope you're enjoying whatever asinine song the day care teachers are singing at you today.


1 comment:

Dan Dougherty said...

One day, Andy's going to look back on this and say, "my mom is awesome." And then Andy will be a teenager, and say something sarcastic. And then Andy won't be a teenager, and will look back on this and say, "my mom is awesome."
