Jun 2, 2004

well, i've officially fallen in love for a third time. sure, i fall in "love" a fair amount, but this is the third time i've fallen in LOVE.

the first time i fell in love was with a bookish lad who used the words "ideology" and "social ramifications" more than i use the word "sonuva," as in "sonuva bitch, who ate my last bagel?" and also the word "poopy" as in "since my last bagel was gone, i was forced to eat leftover mac-n-cheese, which is now making me feel rather poopy." he was a smart young man, and i enjoyed our time together despite the fact that these times were always a little poopy. you just can't disregard raw, physical attraction, even if it involves somebody who reads karl marx for fun.

the second time i fell in love was with my current beau, who also appreciates the word "poopy" and could probably make a few poopies right on the carpet and still have it come off as rather adorable. what can i say about chris that i haven't already said? sure, he gave me an alarm clock for christmas, but let's think about what he gives me EVERYDAY... happiness. also, tacos.

now the third time i fell in love was today, during yet another episode of "what not to wear" on tlc. this particular boy is called eric, and he really didn't need a makeover because he was so damn hot as it was. after all the shopping and the hair cutting and teeth whitening, though? goddamn fabulous. plus, his attitude throughout the show was incredible. see, girls like being made over. gay men, too. your average straight guy (and i'm sure he's straight) usually is not so good-natured. he just kept smiling and laughing through-out the whole show, and it truly won me over. also, did i mention that he's gorgeous?

this doesn't happen everyday. if you do the math, it happens to me once every 8 yrs. while that is obviously not how it actually works out, i'd like to say that mathematically, it's correct. precise.

i should probably stop watching reality-makeover-dating shows. it's healthier for me to develop crushes on fantasty figures, like johnny bravo or john goodman. not some semi-attainable reality show hunk who currently resides in chicagoland. maybe he's my neighbor, for all i know. cripes.

i wonder if he and chris would get along. i wonder why i'm such a jackass. also, i wonder what we're going to have for dinner tonight. i hope it's nothing poopy.

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