Apr 29, 2010

Tomorrow is thirty weeks. I'm officially on the two week appointment schedule for my doctor's visits, which is terrifying. I don't know how long I'm on the two week schedule until they switch me over to weekly, but considering I only have ten weeks left, I guess it'll only be a month's worth of two week visits until I have to go in every seven days. Jeez. I'm going to have a baby before I know it. And then what? And then what.

I had my last ultrasound on Monday afternoon. Holy crap, there's an actual baby in there! He was three pounds, twelve ounces as of Monday, and I was told that he was in the seventy-fifth percentile for weight. At first I was all like, "Woo-hoo, my baby's ADVANCED!" but now I'm all like, "Holy crap, he's huger than most babies- this can't be good." The ultrasound tech made a guess that, if I make it to my due date, he'll come in at about eight pounds. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have an eight pound baby than a five pound baby, but I have to say, I was really kind of hoping for a seven pound baby. Seven pounds seems totally doable. I mean, not super *easily* doable, but definitely, kind of, manageable. But once we start hitting the eight pound mark- man, I don't know. Eight pounds is what I BOWL with. And that's what I'm supposed to push out of my whatnot? I don't see this happening.

The baby is totally adorable, though. I can tell from the ultrasound pictures that he has my nose! How insane is that? Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of great pictures produced from the ultrasound session, though, because the umbilical cord was right in front of his mouth and I guess he somehow had his foot in the way of his face, and this strange position of his foot made it look like he had a penis shaped growth on his forehead. The ultrasound technician tried patiently to explain to me how the forehead penis could possibly be a foot, and even though I didn't understand how, I guess I have no choice but to take her word for it. Besides, he doesn't have a forehead penis in every shot, so I guess that does rule out an actual growth. Nonetheless, umbilical cord and forehead penis aside, I can't stop looking at the ultrasound pics of my seventy-fifth percentile baby. It feels like Im looking at pictures of someone who exists maybe fifty or sixty miles away in some kind of baby factory. It's hard to believe that I'm looking at pictures of a human being who is inside me at this very moment, who is sharing my nutrients as I look at his picture but still somehow have yet to actually meet. This whole pregnancy thing is bananas.

Speaking of weight gain, I'm up to 145 pounds. I've always checked in somewhere between 100 and 110 pounds, so this is some pretty massive weight gain for me. Especially since you're only supposed to gain up to thirty pounds for the entire pregnancy. It's true that I have a huge stomach now (and that other parts have also rounded out a bit), but I can't believe I've gained this much weight already. I still think that, aside from my belly, I still look relatively skinny. But this 145 pound number is telling a different story. I can't imagine getting any bigger than I already am. And yet I will. What will my final weight gain total be? Am I looking at 45-5o pounds? MORE? My blood pressure is skyrocketing just thinking about it.

Anyway. My at home life this past week has focused mainly on laying on the couch and rewatching "Lost" from the beginning. Now that the show is wrapping up, I want to see it all again as part of my farewell to a much beloved friend. So far, I'm enjoying this second viewing so much more than the first. Oh, how I heart "Lost." Chris is joining me in this viewing, which for him is his first (even though he's been watching the final season with me, although I don't understand how he can just watch the tail end of such a complicated show with only "Previously on Lost" background information each week), and now he's totally hooked. Take that, Chris. Remember when you said I was wasting years of my life on a needlessly mind-boggling TV show? Remember that? Well, look at you now. I knew eventually you'd see things my way. You usually do.

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