Mar 23, 2010

Now I've gotten so lazy that I'm just copying my Facebook posts into my blog. Here's what I just put on Facebook:

"The worst thing about being pregnant is that, every week, I'm learning about a new toxic chemical I'm unwittingly ingesting. This week, it's BPA in my canned tomatoes, which is likely setting my kid up for a lifetime of neurological and testicular issues. I can't wait until post-pregnancy when I can go back to not caring about the plethora of poisons in my food and water."

Oh, I tell you, I don't know how much more of this I can take. And I have three months to go! Three months of running across articles on the internet informing me of the numerous ways that I am screwing up my kid. Aspartame in yogurt? Yikes. And the fact that my water isn't filtered by reverse osmosis? Double yikes. Obviously, there's the BPA thing, and let's not forget about all of those herbal teas I drank until discovering that half of the herbs in my tea were listed by the March of Dimes as "Triple Yikes."

It is hard work being pregnant. And next to impossible to avoid every single poison and toxin in our food and water. Not to mention that I read somewhere that I should be filtering the water with which I shower. I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that- just tape a Brita filter to my shower head maybe? Would that work? And, the humor of this whole thing doesn't escape me- I'm freaking out about the canned tomatoes and soup I've been eating but, as of right now, am thinking nothing of all of the Cheetos and Swiss Rolls I've had, or of the fact that every morning I wake up face down in my pillow with basically all of my weight resting atop of my stomach. Oops.

Anyway- I don't know. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and maybe I'll run some of these fears past a professional. Or not. I don't have a great relationship with my doctors- they kind of rush me and don't encourage questions and are generally somewhat unpleasant. I honestly think this is because they're women. I've come to the conculsion that male OB/GYN's are generally more caring because of the respect that they have for the process. Like, my female doctors can have babies, too, so what I'm going through? Not all that special or worth discussion. I'm not saying- I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Dan Dougherty said...

I think there's too much information about what not to eat, and not just while you're pregnant. Obviously, there are things you shouldn't be eating, drinking, smoking. And you're not doing those so all that other stuff is so infintesimal that it's not worth sweating over. And hey, you need to keep that moisture in your body for the baby!